Monday, May 05, 2014

Maiden Voting - "All is Well When clowns set us entertained!"

Having believed in individual #rights and #democracy, the #LokSabha2014 (Karnataka- April 17th) election was of some importance to me…

The big banners and full size hoardings which are flat on roads and footpaths today were then beaming up in sky all in style. Those extravagant advertisements & awareness… Yeah! They had an impact on the borderline voters who were in dilemma as whether to vote or not to cast their precious votes, for the rest it didn’t matter much anyway. They had had their decisions made already! 

Coming to my case, not that I fancied seeing the polling booth or getting my finger inked by an ink which claimed to be erase proof for a certain days. No, absolutely not. All that I had while casting my vote was totally a different picture. I probably was sincere enough to perform my maiden voting, which is considered to be the duty of every citizen of this country and hence make sure I become a part of World’s largest Democracy!

On the other side of the spectrum I had another picture, big-picture- brighter than the previous one. We vote, we choose some candidate from some XYZ party and then we rest in silence for the next five years, that’s the routine. As a result we have cultured and nurtured political clowns. Some with notes and some with strings attached.

I pity victims of my last mention though. :P

When I mentioned political clowns, I’m not targeting any political parties, because all are equal thieves and all are equal clowns in their own sweet way. The only difference we might experience by bringing in a new party, rather non incumbent party into power is new entertainment, new scams, new funny one-liners, and new clowns! 

Now I guess I gave you all a reason why this maiden voting was important to me. I did my best to get new clowns on board in near future. No offense, I did my duty sincerely in my first attempt. Didn’t I? :D 

New clowns mean new set of wholesome entertainment.

"All is Well When clowns set us entertained!" 
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