Showing posts with label DIARY PAGES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIARY PAGES. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

It's the rain again...

Rain does cleanse a lot of things...
Souls that are wrapped in dirt,
minds that get soiled deep,
bodies that are full of restless thoughts...
Rain does cleanse a lot of things.
Things that are no longer living, things that are just breathing shall RESPIRE for a while...
Today happened to be a strangest day in a while. I sat looking at the rain, letting the wind splash those droplets from heaven onto my face, restless than ever.

Like that Syrian kid who said, "I will tell God everything!" before getting shot, I stared at the sky rumbling some rantings, hoping God to do something phenomenal immediately! A lightning striked, as if God heard me and it was a sign of assurance. Felling better since then. Tired still as if a long ridden FEVER just passed out. I slept all evening and woke up now only to post this. But yes... When I go up there, I will tell God everything! Every damn thing.

Rain does cleanse a lot of things. Isn't it?

#instagram post :

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Three Years Ago...

22 March 2016 😍
What can I say about this day?? 22 March has been a very special day ever since this happened!!! A childhood dream... Say when I was in 7th...I had this dream... I walk past a car which was having Dr. APJ in it... And as I run past to shake hands with him... His car vanishes... Just miss! Several times... I used to get this same weird saddening dream. I missed it again, once again and then this dream never made me sad anymore. Felt atleast in dreams I have this opportunity to see him :') 💕

But on 22 March 2013 it was a dream come true and beyond. We students at college got to know before hand that APJ Sir will be present for the college's 4th decennial celebration. My heart raced like a jet, what a great opportunity. My Appa asked me, " Your greatest inspiration is coming to your college and what will you present to him??", I told him, there are thousands of students... Will I even be able to get near him... Appa continued, "But then what if you? Who knows what happens... You should not repent later you see.. ", That's it, now I wanted to do something and all I had was a little bit of sketching skills - that again - all credits to Appa!!! I did a sketch of him the previous night, I was thrilled. Though I was the College President (science forum), that day all students were treated alike, for security purpose. I then gave a hint to my beloved Lecturer, asked her opinion on the sketch, she made me talk to the princi... She agreed!!!! Wow. I was able to present my silly amateur, unartistic pencil sketch to his highness, humbleness personified, great human, great leader, huuuggggeeee inspiration to the mankind Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Sir.

This was not all! Prior to this there was much more for me to cherish 22 March 2013, not just as a day on the calendar but more like a day where I was overly blessed with luck.
Starting from 11AM, excitement was in air, auditorium was full with students, only those who would be asking questions were allowed to sit in gallery, while the rest in the balcony!
He arrived, all stood up, I saw him enter the auditorium, Iwas in tears of joy! I was on the same floor where my inspiration was walking! Damn in the same auditorium while he's waving hand at us. All eyes on him, not a single blink went without noticing him, and then he gave a formal opening to the ceremony followed by his motivational talks to us. He even took into consideration 1000s of students who were sitting outside the auditorium in the college grounds watching live relay of the same, their scream of excitement touched the ceiling of the auditorium. After his speech, the moment had come. Questionnaire!
A week before this event, we had to write in all our questions in a sheet of paper and drop into a box, after the screening process, a number be allotted so that APJ will be asked important, reasonable questions first. Of course I did drop my question! Who wouldn't want to? And luckily, I recieved a call previous day from a lecturer that my question was selected as the first question to be asked. And I better come to college without fail. 😀😂.
Cloud 9? Nah! What's cloud? I was in an undefined state of excitement!!! Now that made a point clear, even if I can't take a picture with him, I'd still be allowed to ask a question for sure! My allotted number was 1! So even if he allows 5 minutes of questionnaire amidst his busy schedule, I'd still be getting a chance! You know what I mean.
I stood up first, asked him my question and then...
APJ Sir: Good, what class are you studying?
Me : *answers*
APJ: what combination have you taken?
Me: * so excited, we're having a convo!!! Answered this too *
APJ Sir: what is your dream?
Me: * I'm beaming cheek to cheek!! I forgot who I am for a second. I was 😁ing unbelievably in a convo?? Me? Really? And then gain conscious, try to answer that...*
APJ Sir: No, my idea was, you've asked a good question!
The hand  kerchief I had that day has my first ever sequential tears of joy. Haven't even washed it, it's preserved in my treasure box.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Power of Speech - 4

See... This is not the end. Nothing is an end for anything in this life as long as you're breathing. Today you closed a chapter, tomorrow you might close this book. But some day your heart might wish to open the same book from that locked corners of your mind, blow the dust and start reading it all over again. Or may be you might burn this all at once. There, a new book might get in, sequence repeats, might seem same at the beginning or might sound different at a first look... Trust me, nothing is predictable. Things you predict might come true even when it was not destined, here, your "wish come true", types happen. Some other times you anticipate something and something else happens, here it's, " was all destined", types.
Trying to figure it out is a Bigggggg fattt lie.
Love. Smile. Peace.
#DreamerSDiary 12 Jan 2016

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I heard her whisper...

She said: " Look inside me.. I'm a pure rain drop as pure as your thoughts are. You see a inverted world inside me.

There's a little girl joyfully clicking me.. Hoping I just last as long as her photoshots get over... I shall stay... Hanging to this little branch... Inverting the thoughts you perceived to be true... And then I shall drip down... Making you believe I was never there before."

I heard her whisper... Eavesdropping? No.. She just intended not to be heard...!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Smudged colors..

Come what may, 
She stood on her own
She stood by her loved ones,
All alone

She was a rebel
She was strange,
She was loved by all
Yet for her, all were strangers

Once she told her heart felt words,
Then she ascertained,
she never lies

Once she found solace in crowd,
Then she saw
peace in prison

Words took it’s own path,
Various labels and headers attached,

When she was still the same to the world,
She had to shut doors on to her words

All went well, as long as past,
Presently she is still breathing,
Living but not lively,
Boiling but nothing like bubbly

People still love her,
Strangers they are all,
For her Loved ones
Still stood by her side
She loved them alone.

"Just as when I was thinking about many things we "GIRLS" have had to face in life , every-day, every minute, these lines came into my mind. As usual did nothing but just jotted them onto a paper... for the record this poem took me 5 minutes to write.. strange though! "

Monday, March 03, 2014

Battling worries-A note to self.

   Days pass by really fast. By the time we look back manipulating things and feelings, we see a greater part is left undone. It might be a promise unfulfilled; a dream unrelished; an oath unfollwed, it might be even something huge like a goal out of focus! Now this last mention is critical. Its unfortunate if you forget your road to destination. But its miserable if you forget the destination on your way.
The very thought of undone, unfinished, unattained, un-something..., brings a great deal of disappointment and feeling of depression. Now tell me, who doesn't get depressed for all sorts of negative things in life? Who doesn't have a reason to frown? Who doesn't have a heart that shall sink in sorrow? Eyes that sobs? Mind that freezes? These are all not symptoms of mental weakness, but its just time to rethink our journey and take full charge of life! To make decisions to lead a fruitful life. Human beings with no Super-Natural-Powers unlike Buddha and Swami Vivekananda are bound to worries.
We come up with solutions easily for universal problems, this is purely my conclusion!
Everything shall pass by soon in a flash of light. Its better to hold on to it before its gone. Catch up with your loved ones, make some heart filling memories, unfolding worries. Doing so, you'll recieve lots of good feelings and hopes. Most importantly you'll have the courage to start afresh leaving behind the shadows of dark- feelings, with a smile that shines from heart. Now this is what your real loved ones can do for you. Now the new problem that might arise is who are our real loved ones? Well... All I can tell now is, you should figure it out yourself..! ;)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Submit Your Happiness Please!

They say, “HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF MIND.” Things often confuse us when we start with, “They say…”

2014 has just started; many of us have already booked this brand new year to achieve something new. “New Year Resolution”, like all these years has become a silent ritual which we follow on the day one compulsorily. 

We resolute we fail, we plan a diet chart and we go hungry like hell, on another list we will have meditation, yoga, laughing club- just to stay calm & happy. Some good scores on card, some new books just to add to your library, extra homework time (which later turns to be a buffer for games & movies) if you’re a student.  At No.1, a wardrobe make over for sure & recently should have been moved to, “Things to do before I die” list! This jargon of making and breaking resolution goes on… *insert infinity* May be the family tour would be the only thing that would work best out of all other plans we do on 1st January eve every year. Déjà Vu!! It’s the same again!!!
When observed closely the sole reason behind all these plans, resolutions and lists is-Happiness. 
Man does so many things consciously & unconsciously just to be happy and to make others happy. Being happy shall chuck out all the above lists & we might not need them all anymore probably…!

Human mind is so powerful that it can easily fill in the gaps & also powerful enough to read between the lines. At times both these gaps & between lines put us in a fix & hurt feelings. Hence that state of mind –Happiness- is lost.  Come what may, our mind is still powerful enough to bridge the gap & bring on a smile if we will. But at hard times we overrule our will to stay happy by taking up hard decisions in haste. Instead we should try to overrule our unhappiness by willing to smile at first stage- This in my words is a process of restoring- HAPPINESS-a state of mind

We should believe in miracles, miracles which change our way of thinking, a miracle which changes our life forever, a miracle which makes one feel- “Happily ever after!

  One magician who can do such miracles is right in our minds, in our own selves. We have to just believe in it. Belief is a branch of happiness, when we start believing things we realize how easy our life is. Breach of trust & belief is a part and parcel but we lose nothing in believing, it’s a loss for the one who breaks it. They’ll surely learn their lessons and shall come back. All we have to do is to forgive and believe again.
BELIEVING- is a state of HARMONY. FORGIVING- is a state of PEACE.

So please submit your happiness, start loving people, believe, forgive and make your life remarkable and resolve to HAPPINESS- a state of mind starting this 2014!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life is only so much...

Sometimes it happens so, that, we plan something and the almighty would have planned something else.  At the end of the day it may leave us in a pool of sorrow and dissatisfaction.
Though we all learn this truth at some point of time, we fail to believe in it. As a result suffer more, live less. It is precisely said that often people only exist, only a few live!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

One should remember this...

"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place."

By : Nora Roberts

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"All I have to do is keep my spirit, feelings and conscience like a sheet of blank paper, and let the Spirit and power of God write upon it what He pleases. When He writes, I will read; but if I read before He writes, I am very likely to be wrong."

By : Brigham Young

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Monday, November 19, 2012

"Diary Page"

Started writing my dairy that day:
   "Someday I got to learn from my mistakes quickly. I shouldn't let down my good old dreams and goals for the shining new ones,..."
In this process if re- prioritizing my mind shelf, I discovered that I'd ' I ' on the top of it and the rest below with descent 10 foot distance.

You know mind's dirt yard, you throw anything it takes gratefully!! It do not know what 's good , better and best. Leave alone bad- it won't recognize it!This mind is a logical unit, manipulative, speculatively instant blabbering machine, inadequately clueless living 'object', finally Un-mimicable deadly funny being. 

What I intended to say that I discovered was- Think with your heart through your mind. But not through your mind alone.
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