Friday, January 17, 2014

Submit Your Happiness Please!

They say, “HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF MIND.” Things often confuse us when we start with, “They say…”

2014 has just started; many of us have already booked this brand new year to achieve something new. “New Year Resolution”, like all these years has become a silent ritual which we follow on the day one compulsorily. 

We resolute we fail, we plan a diet chart and we go hungry like hell, on another list we will have meditation, yoga, laughing club- just to stay calm & happy. Some good scores on card, some new books just to add to your library, extra homework time (which later turns to be a buffer for games & movies) if you’re a student.  At No.1, a wardrobe make over for sure & recently should have been moved to, “Things to do before I die” list! This jargon of making and breaking resolution goes on… *insert infinity* May be the family tour would be the only thing that would work best out of all other plans we do on 1st January eve every year. Déjà Vu!! It’s the same again!!!
When observed closely the sole reason behind all these plans, resolutions and lists is-Happiness. 
Man does so many things consciously & unconsciously just to be happy and to make others happy. Being happy shall chuck out all the above lists & we might not need them all anymore probably…!

Human mind is so powerful that it can easily fill in the gaps & also powerful enough to read between the lines. At times both these gaps & between lines put us in a fix & hurt feelings. Hence that state of mind –Happiness- is lost.  Come what may, our mind is still powerful enough to bridge the gap & bring on a smile if we will. But at hard times we overrule our will to stay happy by taking up hard decisions in haste. Instead we should try to overrule our unhappiness by willing to smile at first stage- This in my words is a process of restoring- HAPPINESS-a state of mind

We should believe in miracles, miracles which change our way of thinking, a miracle which changes our life forever, a miracle which makes one feel- “Happily ever after!

  One magician who can do such miracles is right in our minds, in our own selves. We have to just believe in it. Belief is a branch of happiness, when we start believing things we realize how easy our life is. Breach of trust & belief is a part and parcel but we lose nothing in believing, it’s a loss for the one who breaks it. They’ll surely learn their lessons and shall come back. All we have to do is to forgive and believe again.
BELIEVING- is a state of HARMONY. FORGIVING- is a state of PEACE.

So please submit your happiness, start loving people, believe, forgive and make your life remarkable and resolve to HAPPINESS- a state of mind starting this 2014!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Are we as good as we profess to be?

Civilizations rise and fall in constant succession. Studies show that when people enjoy affluence and become addicted to luxury, decay begins in the life of the nation. The Roman Empire provides an example of how a well-established regime can collapse from the mental weaknesses induced by too much self indulgence. The same thing was witnessed in India when British – who then were just traders, in the name of East India Company tried to penetrate this holy land with an eye of hegemony. The Nawabs and other potential rulers fell, prey for self indulgence of royal treatment of someone who didn’t even belong to this land-The British! 
We all are leading a superficial life, both as an individual and as a nation. The real life is eluding us. We set much store by materialistic values of life, pleasure seeking and hypocrisy. The genuine real life is missing. In this hyper self indulgence we are growing only outward, the inward growth is not progressive. We just think of present pleasures and enjoyments which are unrealistic after some time. We are just leaving a void behind. The RIGHT and the WRONG do not matter anymore. The only thing that matters is the fleeting satisfaction of desire. Needless to add, the decay, especially in the field of culture and ethics, has already set in. Crimes have become more common feature everywhere.

We are fast turning into mental slaves. A reputed author has called Indians, who have a band of slavery round their necks, yet call themselves free, hypocrats. A time may come in near future, not so far, when consciousness of freedom may also vanish and we may not be able to express our Identity.

It’s true that our contemporary world promotes self-indulgence and lust for pleasure and the merits of superficial knowledge. Let us, therefore , look within us and see if we are acting like human beings and proving worth our salt. On introspection, many of us may find we are not what we profess to be. That is why thing do not happen as we want them to happen. Those of you who want to do humanitarian work, must look within, do heart searching, cleanse the poison lying hidden within for a better outer world.  

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life is only so much...

Sometimes it happens so, that, we plan something and the almighty would have planned something else.  At the end of the day it may leave us in a pool of sorrow and dissatisfaction.
Though we all learn this truth at some point of time, we fail to believe in it. As a result suffer more, live less. It is precisely said that often people only exist, only a few live!
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