Tuesday, December 16, 2014

RIP Humanity.

My belief and faith in safer tomorrow is diminishing each passing day.
If what happened today in Peshawar isn't an eye opener and a proof of insanity...
Humanity can never be restored in this world.

Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, M K Gandhi would never be proud of these generations that's passing by. .
I fear how the future generations be? Will they ever exist? Or will there be nothing called Humanity and kindness ever in future?. How can those murderers sleep peacefully at night amidst countless curse?! Did I just say peaceful? Sigh! They never know what it means.
Where are we leading this world into???


I heard her whisper...

She said: " Look inside me.. I'm a pure rain drop as pure as your thoughts are. You see a inverted world inside me.

There's a little girl joyfully clicking me.. Hoping I just last as long as her photoshots get over... I shall stay... Hanging to this little branch... Inverting the thoughts you perceived to be true... And then I shall drip down... Making you believe I was never there before."

I heard her whisper... Eavesdropping? No.. She just intended not to be heard...!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Shades of Sunset

A beautiful Sunset
Was just waiting for me,
To capture its beauty
Into my lens...

At a moment those
Orange Shades felt nice,
And then the lining
Of clouds stood out.

If I ever ignored that
Blue sky,
Which watched
Upon me,
I swear I would never!
Ever! get a sight so soothing!

Missed myself being a Bird,
Missed my loved ones being along,
Missed my dreams that fell apart,
Missed You more just than ever!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Story Of Strings

"Music Come Alive.

Strings Never Lie.

They will always be mine.

And this shall alone shall shine

In this Dreamer's heart."

When feeling clumsy

And denied by self...

Something warm,

Something bright,

Something soothing,

Which tells everything's alright.

"The strings shall be yours. " I promised my guitar!

"The music shall be yours." She promised me in return.
#storyOfstrings #StoryGram

Tuesday, October 07, 2014


"Trying to be unselfish and being selfless are two different things. I guess Leaving behind a footstep is BOTH in one.
Today not wanting to study anything and not wanting to do anything let me paint this abstract piece.
Being Amateur at "manythings" I see, I have been following someone else's footsteps all these days.... By the end of this life... May be I shall leave my footsteps somewhere... " #PhilosopherMe #gyan

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Smudged colors..

Come what may, 
She stood on her own
She stood by her loved ones,
All alone

She was a rebel
She was strange,
She was loved by all
Yet for her, all were strangers

Once she told her heart felt words,
Then she ascertained,
she never lies

Once she found solace in crowd,
Then she saw
peace in prison

Words took it’s own path,
Various labels and headers attached,

When she was still the same to the world,
She had to shut doors on to her words

All went well, as long as past,
Presently she is still breathing,
Living but not lively,
Boiling but nothing like bubbly

People still love her,
Strangers they are all,
For her Loved ones
Still stood by her side
She loved them alone.

"Just as when I was thinking about many things we "GIRLS" have had to face in life , every-day, every minute, these lines came into my mind. As usual did nothing but just jotted them onto a paper... for the record this poem took me 5 minutes to write.. strange though! "http://prajnadreamer.blogspot.in/

Monday, June 09, 2014

Singing words told me : "Never quit!"

Music makes life livable at times. But for me music makes my life. Songs make and break my day. I sometimes sing along and sometimes just listen with all the concentration on the music or the lyrics. Certain times music hide the lyrics and even after a hundred times of rendering, I fail to even remember the pallavi fully. Certain other times, lyrics go so deep into my heart that I'll listen to the song only for the lyrics.
Also a few lyrically beautiful songs make me motivated and gives some hope which were much needed at times. I sometimes think the music and the words are indirectly giving us all some sort of encouragement all through out. Fresh each time and new feel every time. It wipe tears and bring in some joy, wakes us up from the slumbering dream. Roars, yet softly tell us that's not yet.
On that note here's a translation of one such song, a Kannada bhavageethe by N.S. Laxminarayana Bhatta.  Titled "Istu kaala ottigiddu." This song though have heard plenty of time in the voice of M.D.Pallavi makes me apply it to any situation I face.
"Being together and gelled so well,
Have we ever understood our consciences?
Having rowed a thousands of miles on the sea,
Could the boat measure the depth of it?
Forever, having bent so much, as if trying to hug,
Was the blue sky able to kiss the earth?
Having showed so many beautiful faces,
Could the mirror hold any one of them for itself?
Isn't this telling us : nature itself has many "tried and failed, yet trying" cases. Why quit disappointed?

Monday, May 05, 2014

Maiden Voting - "All is Well When clowns set us entertained!"

Having believed in individual #rights and #democracy, the #LokSabha2014 (Karnataka- April 17th) election was of some importance to me…

The big banners and full size hoardings which are flat on roads and footpaths today were then beaming up in sky all in style. Those extravagant advertisements & awareness… Yeah! They had an impact on the borderline voters who were in dilemma as whether to vote or not to cast their precious votes, for the rest it didn’t matter much anyway. They had had their decisions made already! 

Coming to my case, not that I fancied seeing the polling booth or getting my finger inked by an ink which claimed to be erase proof for a certain days. No, absolutely not. All that I had while casting my vote was totally a different picture. I probably was sincere enough to perform my maiden voting, which is considered to be the duty of every citizen of this country and hence make sure I become a part of World’s largest Democracy!

On the other side of the spectrum I had another picture, big-picture- brighter than the previous one. We vote, we choose some candidate from some XYZ party and then we rest in silence for the next five years, that’s the routine. As a result we have cultured and nurtured political clowns. Some with notes and some with strings attached.

I pity victims of my last mention though. :P

When I mentioned political clowns, I’m not targeting any political parties, because all are equal thieves and all are equal clowns in their own sweet way. The only difference we might experience by bringing in a new party, rather non incumbent party into power is new entertainment, new scams, new funny one-liners, and new clowns! 

Now I guess I gave you all a reason why this maiden voting was important to me. I did my best to get new clowns on board in near future. No offense, I did my duty sincerely in my first attempt. Didn’t I? :D 

New clowns mean new set of wholesome entertainment.

"All is Well When clowns set us entertained!" 

Monday, March 03, 2014

Battling worries-A note to self.

   Days pass by really fast. By the time we look back manipulating things and feelings, we see a greater part is left undone. It might be a promise unfulfilled; a dream unrelished; an oath unfollwed, it might be even something huge like a goal out of focus! Now this last mention is critical. Its unfortunate if you forget your road to destination. But its miserable if you forget the destination on your way.
The very thought of undone, unfinished, unattained, un-something..., brings a great deal of disappointment and feeling of depression. Now tell me, who doesn't get depressed for all sorts of negative things in life? Who doesn't have a reason to frown? Who doesn't have a heart that shall sink in sorrow? Eyes that sobs? Mind that freezes? These are all not symptoms of mental weakness, but its just time to rethink our journey and take full charge of life! To make decisions to lead a fruitful life. Human beings with no Super-Natural-Powers unlike Buddha and Swami Vivekananda are bound to worries.
We come up with solutions easily for universal problems, this is purely my conclusion!
Everything shall pass by soon in a flash of light. Its better to hold on to it before its gone. Catch up with your loved ones, make some heart filling memories, unfolding worries. Doing so, you'll recieve lots of good feelings and hopes. Most importantly you'll have the courage to start afresh leaving behind the shadows of dark- feelings, with a smile that shines from heart. Now this is what your real loved ones can do for you. Now the new problem that might arise is who are our real loved ones? Well... All I can tell now is, you should figure it out yourself..! ;)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Submit Your Happiness Please!

They say, “HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF MIND.” Things often confuse us when we start with, “They say…”

2014 has just started; many of us have already booked this brand new year to achieve something new. “New Year Resolution”, like all these years has become a silent ritual which we follow on the day one compulsorily. 

We resolute we fail, we plan a diet chart and we go hungry like hell, on another list we will have meditation, yoga, laughing club- just to stay calm & happy. Some good scores on card, some new books just to add to your library, extra homework time (which later turns to be a buffer for games & movies) if you’re a student.  At No.1, a wardrobe make over for sure & recently should have been moved to, “Things to do before I die” list! This jargon of making and breaking resolution goes on… *insert infinity* May be the family tour would be the only thing that would work best out of all other plans we do on 1st January eve every year. Déjà Vu!! It’s the same again!!!
When observed closely the sole reason behind all these plans, resolutions and lists is-Happiness. 
Man does so many things consciously & unconsciously just to be happy and to make others happy. Being happy shall chuck out all the above lists & we might not need them all anymore probably…!

Human mind is so powerful that it can easily fill in the gaps & also powerful enough to read between the lines. At times both these gaps & between lines put us in a fix & hurt feelings. Hence that state of mind –Happiness- is lost.  Come what may, our mind is still powerful enough to bridge the gap & bring on a smile if we will. But at hard times we overrule our will to stay happy by taking up hard decisions in haste. Instead we should try to overrule our unhappiness by willing to smile at first stage- This in my words is a process of restoring- HAPPINESS-a state of mind

We should believe in miracles, miracles which change our way of thinking, a miracle which changes our life forever, a miracle which makes one feel- “Happily ever after!

  One magician who can do such miracles is right in our minds, in our own selves. We have to just believe in it. Belief is a branch of happiness, when we start believing things we realize how easy our life is. Breach of trust & belief is a part and parcel but we lose nothing in believing, it’s a loss for the one who breaks it. They’ll surely learn their lessons and shall come back. All we have to do is to forgive and believe again.
BELIEVING- is a state of HARMONY. FORGIVING- is a state of PEACE.

So please submit your happiness, start loving people, believe, forgive and make your life remarkable and resolve to HAPPINESS- a state of mind starting this 2014!


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