Showing posts with label #poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #poem. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Power of Speech -2

Don't let people judge you!
Don't let your feelings be belittled.
Learn to value your feelings first.
It's true you live in a society where you need one another for bonding but not at the cost of losing yourself.
Happiness doubles when shared, True, but '... others happiness is our happiness. ' is a lie,
When your feelings aren't valued,
When your presence isn't appreciated,
When you're treated as a dead entity,
When you're Taken For Granted,
Learn To Respect Your Self, Stop caring more than you're suppose to and gain courage to Walk Away!

Hiding what you feel and what you're undergoing because of someone's faults is an Emotional Suicide! Stop Committing it.
Walk Away!
Walk towards your self!
Value your self.
Just learn to walk away!

#inspireSomeone #powerofspeech #iamWriting #DreameRsDiary #LifeOfALoner


Several hurdles,
Painful words,
Bee stings, endless quarrels.
Dodge one, the other comes.
Broken pieces,
couldn't be put back in shape.
Opposite Ends never met.
Lies that what this eyes sees,
Lies that what this heart feels.
Lies that everything that exists,
At present.
Tarnished character.
Torn pages of diaries.
Hurtful memories.
No matter what changes were made,
Compromises were so single sided.
Expectations, that never met.
Help that never arrived.
Soul that still survived.
Life of a loner.
~ PraJna DreameR

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Moon

They say Moon has scars,
Damages and craters.
All these days I believed
Someone else's Proof.
But yesterday
I saw it for my self.

She buried her face
In the deep ocean of sorrow!
I smirked often
For all the silly hardwork
I did, for my own betterment.

Now that I realise,
Hardships which I call them
Aren't tough anymore!
Life is But a dwelling joy!
Swimming in self built pond
Called self pity &  sorrow!

I wake up
From my mistakes.
And promised myself that
I shall make up
For all my mistakes!
And spread joy instead
Spread happiness for ever. .

The Moon from the yesterday's night sky.  25 Feb 2015.  #India #karnataka #Bengaluru ☺#NikonP600
#NikonIndia #Nikon #moon #nightSky

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