Showing posts with label RandomThoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RandomThoughts. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Sunsets. . .


I so want to write a long caption for this pic. Read on if you will.
It so happened to me yesterday, as if I were lost in a sea of thoughts. Thoughts crumbled and rumbled, a few were pleasant ones, a few were uncategorized. A mixture of emotions flood through my veins. I could almost feel the explosion. I could see how vulnerable a human as strong as I can get, when a storm of thoughts hit so hard. I could not decide if it were the thoughts or the vulnerability that was more painful. When uncertainty threatens the creature inside you, no surprise you'll shiver and shake. But as the sun set along the horizon, I felt a strange trance, as if to calm down that scared creature in me. I felt breeze in my hair again, I could feel my heart beat normal and I felt a strange relief. If this is what a sunset could do... I wonder how many more sunset I get to see in silence. Grasping every change it make to my mind and body. There is a strange connection to my soul and the celestial bodies. The Sun, the moon, the stars and the skies spell a charm everytime.
#dreamersdiary #inspiresomeone
Follow me on instagram @kanasugaarthi

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Get hold of all the green you can - while you can! Cause we humankind being so cruel, are chopping down old and elegant trees all around.
Some citing road widening as the reason,
while for the others
it's hazardous during the rainy season!
Behold, the giants are on the way,
Screaming for attention, screaming for space!
For them unrooting a tree is task of minutes.
Years that it took for the trees to grow
Spread it branches, Trying to touch the sky.
Not sure if it did or not, but for us - the selfish beings- it showered with generous shade, generous air!
In return, we are giving it exactly the opposite of what it wanted - making it touch the ground. Shattering the dreams of years to touch the sky!
"Sky is so high darling, you better stay grounded!"
Sarcasm apart, I see the reasons apt sometimes and some other times I see the selfish beings- getting stronger yet again. I feel sorry for the trees, I feel helpless at the least. Civilisation that we call this as, seems to be nothing but destroying almost everything that naturally occurs, just to suffice and serve the needs of the human kind.
#Bengaluru #karnataka #India #DreamersDiary

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

She... A kind of short story.

She woke up to realise how badly she was hurt yet managed to smile. Smile to the world outside and to shut her inside off. She wasn't a grown up yet. She still kept the child in her merry and alive. Childlike, childish, a child- still. She knew numbers can't define her life. Numbers can only keep a count of years, but not of the memories she had for all her life. She cherished her life, she was an oasis of happiness, people who stood away could see a ring of aura around her. She never gave out her secrets to the people whom she kept close, rarely, that would ever happen. She knew there's no one who could understand and yet stay with her for any longer. She no longer believed in fairy tales. Deep within her was a river of uncertainty. Not so composed, calm, strong as she seems outside. She knew she's fragile, she knew she had to build a wall to survive. She lives even today under a blanket of moon lit sunshine. She is a moon with a Sun kissed smile. A smile that charms. A smile that hides, a smile that never give a hint of shades and shadows beneath it's skin.
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