Showing posts with label Sci -Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sci -Tech. Show all posts

Monday, April 08, 2013

Evolution Of A Responsible And Happy Citizen

*The address and interaction of his Excellency Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Sir in my college on 22-March-2013.

"She drives ignorance away. She welcomes the bliss of life."
I am delighted to address and interact with the students of Nagarathnamma Meda Kasturiranga Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College for Women (NMKRV), Bangalore on the occasion of its 4th Decennial Year. celebrations. 40 years of service in the field of education, what does it mean? Earth rotates on its own axis, day and night comes, when earth rotates around the Sun, it takes 365 days. NMKRV College for Women, being in Earth had orbited around the Sun 40 times. My Congratulations to the management, Faculty and staff of NMKRV College for Women.

Friends, today I would like to share few thoughts on the topic "Evolution of responsible and happy citizens".

Friends, it is said, "History has proven that those who dare to imagine the impossible are the ones who break all human limitations. In every field of human endeavor, whether science, medicine, sports, the arts, or technology, the names of the people who imagined the impossible and achieved are engraved in our history. By breaking the limits of their imagination, they changed the world."

Unique You
Dear friends, Look up, what do you see, the light, the electric bulbs. Immediately, our thoughts go to the inventor Thomas Alva Edison, for his unique contribution towards the invention of electric bulb and his electrical lighting system.

When you hear the sound of aero plane going over your house, whom do you think of? Wright Brothers proved that man could fly of course at heavy risk and cost.

Whom does the telephone remind you of? Of course, Alexander Graham Bell.

When everybody considered a sea travel as an experience or a voyage, a unique person questioned during his sea travel from United Kingdom to India. He was pondering on why the horizon where the sky and sea meet looks blue? His research resulted in the phenomena of scattering of light. Of course, Sir CV Raman was awarded Nobel Prize.

Do you know an Indian Mathematician who did not have formal higher education but had inexhaustible spirit and love for mathematics which took him to contribute to the treasure houses of mathematical research - some of which are still under serious study and engaging all-available world mathematicians' efforts to establish formal proof? He was a unique Indian genius who could melt the heart of the most hardened and outstanding Cambridge mathematician Prof G H Hardy. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was Prof. Hardy who discovered a great mathematician for the world. This mathematician was Of-course Srinivasa Ramanujan for whom every number was a divine manifestation.

Do you know about a great human being with a spirit of service, who also won a Nobel Prize for her contributions? She said and practiced, "Give, give and give, until it hurts". She is Mother Teresa.

Friends, there was a great scientific lady who is known for discovering radiation. She won not one, but two Nobel prizes, one for physics and another for chemistry. Who is she? She is Madam Curie. Madam Curie discovered radium and she was doing research on the effect of radiation on human system. The same radiation which she discovered, affected her and she sacrificed her life for removing the pain of human life.

Friends, I have, so far, met 15 million youth in a decade?s time. I learnt, "every youth wants to be unique, that is, YOU! But the world all around you, is doing its best, day and night, to make you just "everybody else". In the home, dear young fellows you are asked by your parents to be like neighours children for scoring good marks. When you go to school, your teachers say "why not you become like the first five rankers in the class". Wherever you go, they are saying "you have to somebody else or everybody else". Now dear young friends, how many of you would like to be unique yourself.

The challenge, my young friends, is that you have to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can ever imagine to fight; and never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place, that is, a UNIQUE YOU! Friends what will be your tools to fight this battle.

Criteria for achievement for youth
How does achievement come? There are four proven steps; having an aim in life before 20 years of age, acquiring knowledge continuously, hard work towards the aim and perseverance to defeat the problem and succeed. Now you know, how the unique personalities got evolved and also you realize how to transform yourself into unique you. And above all, what you need a will power and confidence, that you can achieve great deeds. In this connection let me recall famous verses of 13th century Persian Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi:

I will Fly and fly
- "I am born with potential.
- I am born with goodness and trust.
- I am born with ideas and dreams.
- I am born with greatness.
- I am born with confidence.
- I am born with wings.
- So, I am not meant for crawling,
- I have wings, I will fly
- I will fly and fly"

My message to you, young friends, is that education gives you wings to fly. Achievement comes out of fire in our sub-conscious mind that "I will win". So, each one of you assembled here and elsewhere, will have "Wings of Fire". The Wing of Fire will indeed lead to knowledge which will make you to fly as a Doctor, or an Engineer, or a scientist, or a teacher, or a political leader, or a bureaucrat or a diplomat or anything you want to be.

Since, I am in the midst of you, I would like to present my visualization of what type of India you would be in after your educational endeavors.

Distinctive profile of the nation
1. A Nation where the rural and urban divide has reduced to a thin line.

2. A Nation where there is an equitable distribution and adequate access to energy and quality water.

3. A Nation where agriculture, industry and service sector work together in symphony.

4. A Nation where education with value system is not denied to any meritorious candidates because of societal or economic discrimination.

5. A Nation which is the best destination for the most talented scholars, scientists, and investors.

6. A Nation where the best of health care is available to all.

7. A Nation where the governance is responsive, transparent and corruption free.

8. A Nation where poverty has been totally eradicated, illiteracy removed and crimes against women and children are absent and none in the society feels alienated.

9. A Nation that is prosperous, healthy, secure, devoid of terrorism, peaceful and happy and continues with a sustainable growth path.

10. A Nation that is one of the best places to live in and is proud of its leadership.

Integrated Action for developed India
To achieve the distinctive profile of India, we have the mission of transforming India into a developed nation. We have identified five areas where India has a core competence for integrated action: (1) Agriculture and food processing (2) Education and Healthcare (3) Information and Communication Technology (4) Infrastructure: Reliable and Quality Electric power, Surface transport and Infrastructure for all parts of the country and (5) Self reliance in critical technologies. These five areas are closely inter-related and progressing in a coordinated way, leading to food, economic and national security.

I would suggest each one of you to select an important task pertaining to any of the 10 pillars which I have described based on your interest and core-competence. This will make you a partner in national development.

Now let me discuss with you about the life of women leaders who have created history due to their quality of leadership in their domain of work.

Indomitable Spirit
Sometime back, I was reading a book called "Everyday Greatness". I would like to share one event which demonstrates the power of leadership with compassion. Let me narrate the details of experience which happened in Mexico.

A riot was raging in La Mesa Prison in Mexico. Twenty five hundred prisoners were packed into a compound, which had been built for only six hundred. They angrily hurled broken bottles at the police who fired back with machine guns. Then came a startling sight. A tiny five feet two inches, sixty three year old woman, calmly got into the crowd, with outstretched hands, in a simple gesture of peace. Ignoring the shower of bullets, she stood quietly and asked everyone to stop. Incredibly everyone did. No one else in the world, but Sister Antonia could have done this. Why did the people listen to her? All because of her decades of service to the prisoners by her choice. She sacrificed all her life for the sake of prisoners lived in the midst of murderers, thieves and drug lords all of whom she called her sons. She attended their needs round the clock, procured antibiotics, distributed eyeglasses, washed bodies for the burial and counseled the suicidal. This selfless act of love and compassion generated the respect among the prisoners to control themselves and urged them to do what she wanted them to do. What a great message for humanity? We have seen a leader with compassion is there for even prisoners, but we need leaders with compassion for the voiceless people of millions in the nation and the world.

Planting of trees is the planting of ideas
Friends during my Presidency, I met a great a lady Prof Vangari Mathai in Rashtrapati Bhavan honouring her for a great contribution in the green environment. After discussion with Prof Wangari Mathai unfurred life in front of me.

Prof Wangari Maathai, who has a passion for environment and bio-diversity and is contributing to the sustainable development and growth of planet Earth. Wangari Muta Maathai was born in Nyeri, Kenya (Africa) in 1940. She was the first woman in East and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree and to become chair of the Department of Veterinary Anatomy and an Associate Professor. Wangari Maathai was active in the National Council of Women of Kenya and was its Chairman in 1981-87, where she introduced the idea of planting trees with the people and continued to develop it into a broad-based, grassroots organization whose main focus is the planting of trees with women groups in order to conserve the environment and improve their quality of life. Through the Green Belt Movement that Prof Maathai has evolved innovatively a movement with 600 community networks across Kenya and branches in 20 countries resulting in the plantation of 31 million trees. She and the Green Belt Movement have received numerous awards, most notably The 2004 Nobel Peace Prize.

Prof Maathai gives a new meaning to the important act of planting a tree by extending it to the whole life, when she says, "the planting of trees is the planting of idea." She highlights the qualities of patience, persistence and commitment in planning and realizing a future, which is what we learn when we plant trees and wait for them to yield fruits for the next generation. She believes that no matter how dark the cloud, there is always a thin, silver lining, and that is what we must look for. The silver lining will come, if not to us then to the next generation or the generation after that. And may be with that generation, the lining will no longer be thin. India values Prof Maathai?s involvement and contribution in furthering the relationship between India and Kenya and had the privilege of honouring her with the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding for the year 2005. She concludes her Nobel Lecture on December 10, 2004 like this: quote, "As I conclude I reflect on my childhood experience when I would visit a stream next to our home to fetch water for my mother. I would drink water straight from the stream? I saw thousands of tadpoles: black, energetic and wriggling through the clear water against the background of the brown earth. This is the world I inherited from my parents". Prof. Maathai would like all of us to preserve this inheritance.

Friends, I was thinking the national dynamics, particularly in our way of life and situation at home and the thinking of the youth and the experienced in the midst of many education systems and the law of the land. We may have many and many Laws. But, based on my study, evolution of a happy home will result into beauty of character in all the members of the family. Hence, I would like to share a few thoughts on Happy Home.

Happy home profile
A beautiful home (we have 200 million homes in India) emanates from four dimensions. One comes from spiritual home, second comes from mother?s happiness, third comes from transparency of the home and the fourth comes from providing a clean and green environment. This combination of four traits indeed brings out happy home. Let us study, how we can achieve that.

Spiritual Home: Friends, let us look at a small family home with father, mother, a son and a daughter, or two sons or two daughters. In this home, both parents earn. I visualize in this little home, a small home library with at least ten great books and in this home parents have to inculcate reading habit among their children by reading books during breakfast or during dinner. The whole family should be together atleast at one meal so that they communicate and discuss freely. When they are all together on the eating place, the mother or the father takes a book from the home library narrates a story of ethical and moral values where the children participate in the discussion and offer their comments. Such a reading habit triggers the child to read the book in detail and collect more information on such stories which put into practice in their day-to-day life. Some children may also go to the school and discuss such instances with other children which can benefit a larger community. This is how the seeding of reading habits can be inculcated among the young minds. In addition, I visualize a little prayer room where every morning or night the whole family, including children prays and offer their thanks to the Almighty for receiving blessings.

This family get-together becomes a store-house of knowledge with ethical values and systems for the children over a period of time and such children are always engaged in carrying out their responsibilities in a spirit of excellence which comes out of dedication and self-esteem of being the best in whatever they do.
Let us study the second dimension of the family.

Mother Smile Mission: Whenever I meet the young at various places, be it school, or college or University, I give them a mission. The mission is how to evolve a happy home. I ask them to take a oath, as follows:

From today onwards, I will make my mother happy.
If my mother is happy, my home is happy.
If my home is happy, the society will be happy.
If societies are happy, State will be happy.
If State is happy, the nation will be happy.

A transparent home: Friends as I said, we belong to a society of 200 million families. Every family has four members; father, mother, two daughters or two sons or one son and one daughter. There is a crying need in the nation to develop a transparent society, a corruption free society. Dear young members, I have a mission for the youth of the nation, that is the daughter or son of the family. Friends, every one of you assembled here will know, after all corruption emanates from a few homes. It is estimated, 30% of our Indian homes are corrupt. That means approx 60 million houses may be corrupt. In a corrupt home, imagine, son or daughter can sense it and persuade the father not to become a victim of corruption using their love and affection. My conscience says, compared to any law against corruption, definitely this movement of the youth against corruption, will be extremely effective.

Green Home Mission: friends, today there is a constant climate change in the universe. Deforestation, industrialization and transportation emitted carbon-di-oxide has caused hole in the ozone layer, leading to increased heating of the planet earth. This is the major cause of flood and draught. If the youth of the nation decide, they can definitely change the situation. Every Indian must take an oath that he will plant and nurture atleast one tree. One fully grown tree absorbs 20 kgs carbon-di-oxide and emits 14 kgs of oxygen. During our life time, if we plant 10 trees and nurture them, we will have over 10 billion trees. These 10 billion trees can definitely contain the climate change problem. Green home means, not only the planting of trees but keeping the house and environment clean.

In addition to the four virtues what I just mentioned, I believe, joint families play an important role in enriching a happy home.

Emerging women
When I am with the students attending this seminar, I would like to share with you the thought process of the great poet Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathiyar on this occasion who in 1910 composed the poem envisioning women of India.
உதய கன்னி
நிமிர்ந்த நன்னடை நேர்கொண்ட பார்வையும்
நிலத்தில் யார்க்கும் அஞ்சாத நெறிகளும்
திமிர்ந்த ஞானச் செருக்கும் இருப்பதால்
செம்மை மாதர் திறம்புவ தில்லையாம்,
அமிழ்ந்து பேரிருளாம் அறியாமையில்
அவல மெய்திக் கலையின்றி வாழ்வதை
உமிழ்ந்து தள்ளுதல் பெண்ணற மாகுமாம்
உதய கன்னி யுரைப்பது கேட்டிரோ

This beautiful poem brings out the profile of emerging women.

Emerging Women
She walks with raised head,
With her eyes looking straight,
She has her principles,
Unafraid of anybody!
She has a lofty
And knowledge based pride,
Such cultured women,
Don't falter from the chosen path.
She drives ignorance away.
She welcomes the bliss of life.
With learned mind,
This is the Dharma
Of emerging woman.

The dream of the poet, I am sure, will become a reality of life for the students. When the child is empowered by the parents, at various phases of growth, the child transforms into a responsible citizen. When the teacher is empowered with knowledge and experience, good young human beings with value systems take shape. When individual or a team is empowered with technology, transformation to higher potential for achievement is assured. When the leader of any institution empowers his or her people, leaders are born who can change the nation in multiple areas. When the women are empowered, society with harmony in the home is assured. When the political leaders of the nation empower the people through visionary policies, the prosperity of the nation is certain. I am confident that this seminar will come out with the suggestion on how to empower the women embedding with these kinds of qualities among the students.

Dear friends, this thought has indeed influenced my conscience and I would suggest that the education system must develop this faith among our youth and the youth to practice this faith in all their actions.

Friends, finally I would like to ask you, what would you like to be remembered for? You have to evolve yourself and shape your life. You should write it on a page. That page may be a very important page in the book of human history. And you will be remembered for creating that one page in the history of the nation - whether that page is the page of invention, the page of innovation or the page of discovery or the page of creating societal change or a page of removing the poverty or the page of finding new technologies in energy or astronomy. I will be happy if you could write this page and mail it to me (

With these words, I inaugurate the 4th Decennial celebrations of NMKRV College for Women and my best wishes to the students, Faculty and staff members in their mission of transforming the role of women to create a happy family and happy society.

May God bless you.

Oath for the Students
1. I will bring a change in the life of 100 women in education, employment or healthcare.

2. I will promote courage and self reliance, particularly among women.

3. I will work continuously to remove gender discrimination and crime against women and children.

4. I will promote righteousness in the heart that will blossom the beauty in the character among citizens.

5. I will light the lamp of knowledge in the nation and ensure that it remains lit forever.

6. Wherever I am, I will always be remembered by my thought, word and action as a student or alumni of NMKRV College for Women.

7. My National Flag flies in my heart and I will bring glory to my nation.

Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

Monday, September 24, 2012

A god-man called STEPHEN HAWKING!

A belief that heaven or an afterlife awaits us is a "fairy story" for people afraid of death, Stephen Hawking has said.
In a dismissal that underlines his firm rejection of religious comforts, Britain's most eminent scientist said there was nothing beyond the moment when the brain flickers for the final time.
Hawking, who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21, shares his thoughts on death, human purpose and our chance existence in an exclusive interview with the Guardian today.
The incurable illness was expected to kill Hawking within a few years of its symptoms arising, an outlook that turned the young scientist to Wagner, but ultimately led him to enjoy life more, he has said, despite the cloud hanging over his future.
"I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first," he said.
"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark," he added.
Hawking's latest comments go beyond those laid out in his 2010 book, The Grand Design, in which he asserted that there is no need for a creator to explain the existence of the universe. The book provoked a backlash from some religious leaders, including the chief rabbi, Lord Sacks, who accused Hawking of committing an "elementary fallacy" of logic.
Hawking outside, in his wheelchair, talking to David Gross and Edward Witten
Hawking  at the 2001 Strings Conference, TIFR, India
The 69-year-old physicist fell seriously ill after a lecture tour in the US in 2009 and was taken to Addenbrookes hospital in an episode that sparked grave concerns for his health. He has since returned to his Cambridge department as director of research.
The physicist's remarks draw a stark line between the use of God as a metaphor and the belief in an omniscient creator whose hands guide the workings of the cosmos.
In his bestselling 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, Hawking drew on the device so beloved of Einstein, when he described what it would mean for scientists to develop a "theory of everything" – a set of equations that described every particle and force in the entire universe. "It would be the ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we should know the mind of God," he wrote.
The book sold a reported 9 million copies and propelled the physicist to instant stardom. His fame has led to guest roles in The Simpsons, Star Trek: The Next Generation and Red Dwarf. One of his greatest achievements in physics is a theory that describes how black holes emit radiation.
In the interview, Hawking rejected the notion of life beyond death and emphasised the need to fulfil our potential on Earth by making good use of our lives. In answer to a question on how we should live, he said, simply: "We should seek the greatest value of our action."
In answering another, he wrote of the beauty of science, such as the exquisite double helix of DNA in biology, or the fundamental equations of physics.
Hawking responded to questions posed by the Guardian and a reader in advance of a lecture tomorrow at the Google Zeitgeist meeting in London, in which he will address the question: "Why are we here?"
In the talk, he will argue that tiny quantum fluctuations in the very early universe became the seeds from which galaxies, stars, and ultimately human life emerged. "Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in," he said.
Hawking suggests that with modern space-based instruments, such as the European Space Agency's Planck mission, it may be possible to spot ancient fingerprints in the light left over from the earliest moments of the universe and work out how our own place in space came to be.
His talk will focus on M-theory, a broad mathematical framework that encompasses string theory, which is regarded by many physicists as the best hope yet of developing a theory of everything.
M-theory demands a universe with 11 dimensions, including a dimension of time and the three familiar spatial dimensions. The rest are curled up too small for us to see.
Evidence in support of M-theory might also come from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva.
One possibility predicted by M-theory is supersymmetry, an idea that says fundamental particles have heavy – and as yet undiscovered – twins, with curious names such as selectrons and squarks.
Confirmation of supersymmetry would be a shot in the arm for M-theory and help physicists explain how each force at work in the universe arose from one super-force at the dawn of time.
Another potential discovery at the LHC, that of the elusive Higgs boson, which is thought to give mass to elementary particles, might be less welcome to Hawking, who has a long-standing bet that the long-sought entity will never be found at the laboratory.
Hawking will join other speakers at the London event, including the chancellor, George Osborne, and the Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.

Science, truth and beauty: Hawking's answers

What is the value in knowing "Why are we here?"
The universe is governed by science. But science tells us that we can't solve the equations, directly in the abstract. We need to use the effective theory of Darwinian natural selection of those societies most likely to survive. We assign them higher value.
You've said there is no reason to invoke God to light the blue touchpaper. Is our existence all down to luck?
Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in.
Hawking sitting in his wheelchair insideSo here we are. What should we do?
We should seek the greatest value of our action.
You had a health scare and spent time in hospital in 2009. What, if anything, do you fear about death?
I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first. I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.
What are the things you find most beautiful in science?
Science is beautiful when it makes simple explanations of phenomena or connections between different observations. Examples include the double helix in biology, and the fundamental equations of physics."

Courtesy: The Guardian Today

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Mars and Venus syndrome

Before I read an article which, I, almost have reproduced here, I really had no idea of the phrase, "Men are from Mars and women are from Venus!".
Read on to know what's the matter!  
MEN THINK IN BOXES AND WOMEN IN CONTINUUM: A woman experiences life as a continuum where every moment is connected. Therefore when she encounters a conflict in a relationship, a woman wants to stay and talk about it. When she is not listened to, she does not feel valued. She cannot move from one problem to another experience without the earlier one being resolved. In contrast, men think in boxes. It is like they have opened one box this moment, closed it the next minute and opened another.
RECOUNTING PAIN: When you share a painful experience, a woman may also share a similar experience that she has had. Her thought in sharing the experience is to convey that she understands the pain. A man will also narrate his experience in a similar situation but his focus and pride will be on how quickly he got out of the pain.
MEN TALK IN GENERAL AND WOMEN IN DETAILS: When you ask a man how he feels, he may give a vague answer and say that there are some difficulties. He is looking for solutions and wants to be left alone till he finds a way out. Whereas, a woman will want to share in detail how she feels, what made her feel that way etc. She dwells on the experience and expects her partner to be listen.
Men look at moving out of an experience quickly and finding solutions. This is to avoid feeling vulnerable when encountering conflicts. Women want to express their vulnerabilities and be understood. They want to be listened to, and given attention when they are sharing their experience.
Knowing such information helps in understanding the difference between the nature of men and women. The responses, which are the basis of complaints like the one given at the column’s beginning, are not to be looked at as against each other, but part of one’s nature.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Are You Suffering From Nomophobia???! Well! 'm not!

Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. The term, an abbreviation for "no-mobile-phone phobia", was coined during a study by the UK Post Office who commissioned YouGov, a UK-based research organization to look at anxieties suffered by mobile phone users. 
"It’s not real until a TV news organization throws a label on it. Nomophobia, according to MSNBC, is the fear of being without your mobile phone, and wouldn’t you know it, it’s on the rise.
The story says that cellphone use is either a healthy way of staying connected or a dangerous obsession. According to a survey cited in the story, 66 percent of people responded with a fear of being without their mobile phones.
The story cites a few particularly sad cases, including a woman who even takes her phone to bed with her (my phone has my alarm on it, so I do this too). She says that she only has real conversations with her child over Facebook and the phone (an improvement over the classic parenting problem of barely talking to your kids at all). She takes it to the shower, she takes it to the bathroom, and reading this article is meant to make you feel that you’re just like her.
It’s hard to pin this on the device itself, though. For me, it’s more the knowledge that I deal with people in different time zones, that speed is essential to my job, and I want to know what people have to say to me, when they say it. It’s a symptom of the oft-cited interconnected world of which I, as a blogger, have become an unwitting apostle. It’s also a nervous tic – don’t know what to do with your hands, check your phone.
Nomophobia is an example of displacing blame onto technology. Blame the phone, not the anxiety or obsessive disorders that make you feel compelled to check it all the time. Phones have a way of bringing out the worst in people like the woman in the article, or me. But in the end, it’s all just a reflection of your own problems." SIC FORBES

Maybe it is wrong to call this a phobia.
For a phobia is generally an 'irrational fear', and that pang of anxiety when you are without your mobile in this brave new connected world is perhaps an understandable feeling.
But either way, for 66 per cent of us, being with your phone at all times is an obsession that occupies every waking minute.
If you think you may suffer from nomophobia - or 'no mobile phone phobia' - then the warning signs are:
  • An inability to ever turn your phone off
  • Obsessively checking for missed calls, emails and texts
  • Constantly topping up your battery life
  • Being unable to pop to the bathroom without taking your phone in with you.
The number of people afflicted with nomophobia was revealed in a study by SecurEnvoy, and shows a rise from a similar study four years ago, where 53 per cent of people admitted the fear of losing their phone.
In the latest study, of the 1,000 people surveyed in the UK, 66 percent said they felt the fear.
Young adults - aged between 18 and 24 - tended to be the most addicted to their mobile phones, with 77 per cent unable to stay apart for more than a few minutes, and those aged 25 to 34 followed at 68 per cent.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Power of Human Mind

According to a research at Cambridge University, it doesn’t matter in what order the ltteers in a word are, the only ipormoetnt thing is that the frist and lsat ltteers be at the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a total mses and ou can still raed it without problem. This is because human mind does not read every letter, but word as a whole, just like you did now!!!

3G Technology Today & Tomorrow

Cellular technology has progressed tremendously since its invention. With the first cellular telephone networks, developed by Bell Labs and AT&T, cellular technology began to make leaps forward in ease of use, voice quality, and data communication. The miracle of technology we know today as the cellular phone was made possible by a steady stream of innovation that continues on into the future 3G technology, the current standard in cellular service, improved cellular service even more. On the network side, it was even more efficient than 2G and allowed much faster data connections that approached broadband speeds. It also allowed a consumer to use both voice and data features on their phones at the same time.

However, the march of technology goes ever forward, and now thee is a fourth generation of cellular technology just over the horizon. Unlike previous generations of cellular network technology, 4G is not designed around voice services but is designed around the internet. It will also do away with many of the cellular network incompatibilities between carriers and countries. It have blazing fast data speeds starting at 100Mbps (approximately DSL speed), and top out at 1Gbps (approximately LAN speed). It is designed to be used with both mobile phones and static computers.

Unlike today, most US and international cellular carriers will use the same network standard that is called Long Term Evolution (LTE).

The developments in cellular technology promise a worldwide network of mobile voice and data communication like we’ve never seen before. Imagine a broadband connection to the internet and crystal clear calls anywhere you go. 
Get ready for 4G.!!!

Science & Religion

We all agree that the universe we live in has been intelligently planned. We take the help of science as well as religion to explain the same. Science, like religion, requires faith. We make so many assumptions to explain various phenomena in nature. We believe that the laws of physics are reliable—that’s a kind of faith. We set up experiments that can test and verify these laws.


Science attempts to understand how the universe works. Religion attempts to understand the purpose and meaning of the universe. Science has many inconsistencies. Even the general theories of relativity and quantum mechanics are not consistent with each other. Yet we think each one of them is correct. So too in religion; science does not allow free will like religion.


Consider the subject of revelation. It is part of the history of religion. But there are revelations in science too, except that a revelation ‘is not called a revelation, but it is called an idea, a flash of genius, a new invention’.

The more we understand about science and religion, the greater is the possibility of bringing the two streams of thoughts closer together for the better understanding of the universe.

“Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted.” – Albert Einstein
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