Monday, June 15, 2015

Chainless thoughts.

There is a reason and a purpose behind everything that happen in this world.
Very deep and complicated is it?
I see a lot more things getting complicated day by day. We the so called human race have started getting isolated from the reality, Virtual spaces are our way out for socializing! We speak to strangers, we praise strangers, we almost wipe their tears at times. So far that, we wish to be with the same known strangers for the rest our lives. We are forgetting there are more real things &  people in this world. We seems to have been obsessed with, "I, me & mine"-things most often. Showoff has become a standard of living. Telling the world about everything one's been doing has become a freedom of expression.
In the mean time, with all the buzzzzz about virtual world,  we are forgetting that for a few here in this earth, reality is the only virtual thing. While we are cribbing about 3G data speed, there are kids who are not able to fetch a 3 square meal, starve to death eventually. While we see posh people buying iPhone for their nursery kids, we forget there are kids who are deprived of education.

This disparity, for me is getting lot more complicated than anything I can think of. Life isn't what we think it is all about. There are people for whom life has not been as secure as what I and you have, as taken for granted as what you and I do. Life for someone else is all about fighting, struggling and eyeing on brighter things.

If not able to give something to someone, try not to snatch it away from them, try to help someone get inspired and spread their wings amidst difficulties. Help someone fight their battle, help someone give up negative thoughts, help someone achieve their Dream!
Remember, No dream is ever small. And no dream is ever big if someone isn't laughing at it!
Random thoughts flow. #DreameRsDiary #inspireSomeone

Friday, June 12, 2015

Warning: Deep!!

Somewhere deep,
Inside me, I fall again and again,
For the lies this heart tells,
For the dreams these eye show.

Somewhere yet again,
I fail!
To realise whats true
And whats false

This wave
Of fall and raise,
Pushes me ahead
Time and again.

Peoms? I just dont know what to call these random lines I usually write, there were times when I spammed my twitter TL with these stupid senseless lines. After instagram happened to me, I have stopped writing much there... People do remember me there! That surprises me.

Who are true, who are false? What is real and what is not? We all have a parralell life running!
One is virtual
And the other is real? Is that the way things have to be??

Sunday, May 03, 2015

My three Little Sweet Friends!

Chetana,  Chetan &  Meghana.
My three Little Sweet Friends!
I want to tell you all a story, story of how these three cute kids befriended me!
It was one sunny afternoon a couple of weeks ago, when I was on a break from books and out with my Camera for a session of birding.
These kids saw me with my cam and were fascinated with it for sure! Eldest of all Meghana called me and said, "Akka akka, namdu photo thegiri!! ☺" ( Akka = elder sister, click our photo as well...).
I was more than happy to do so and  this was such a sweet request none can deny! Isn't it?
Well, Meghana stopped her younger brother Chethan and Younger Sister Chethana to pose for me with her cycle!. .
I asked them to show all their teeth and only then I'll click their pic ��. I showed them their beautiful Pic on my camera display. They felt delighted.
The rest is all in the pic!!! .
Wait!!! This doesn't end the story here!!
After the photo session My appa called them and gave them a few papaya fruits which we grow in our small house garden.
And guess what?
They came back to my home after sometime with their toys and called me out, "Akka akka, aataDaaNa barthira?" �� (Akka = elder Sister, will you play with us?) I was over joyed with their cuteness... But my books were waiting and I couldn't play with them.
They pass by my home everyday, and greet me, "hi akka" with a cute innocent smile everytime they see me sitting outside in the sit out. I feel happy and blessed.
Today morning Meghana and Chethana Waved their hands from a far distance and said, " Hi, akka!" ☺

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