Thursday, November 12, 2015


Several hurdles,
Painful words,
Bee stings, endless quarrels.
Dodge one, the other comes.
Broken pieces,
couldn't be put back in shape.
Opposite Ends never met.
Lies that what this eyes sees,
Lies that what this heart feels.
Lies that everything that exists,
At present.
Tarnished character.
Torn pages of diaries.
Hurtful memories.
No matter what changes were made,
Compromises were so single sided.
Expectations, that never met.
Help that never arrived.
Soul that still survived.
Life of a loner.
~ PraJna DreameR

Kill Them With Success, Bury Them With Smile!

When you have set your sail to the roaring wind,
You should not waste time thinking about the haphazard way it is moving you in, not about the way the wind is pushing you off the sail, not about the hustling leaves,  sand and dust that's getting into your eyes.

But you should process your thoughts towards finding a way to reach your destination amidst the odds.

People will pull you down when you fail, stone you for every inch you fall. They'll speak. They'll never listen to your excuses.

This is when you should dust your self off and raise to your original glory. Like a Phoenix a fire bird from ashes, rise, higher and higher. Shut the talking mouths with your success. Make your voice lower,  but make your comeback sound higher.
What are you thinking about?
Go ahead!
Kill Them With Success,
Bury Them With Smile!
~ @kanasugaarthi �� (instagram / twitter)

Power of Speech-1

A friend of mine had said to me, never do something to get appreciated.
He was so true. I failed to understand all these while.
Some days are bright
Some days are dull.
Some days you get what you want
The other days it's just the opposite.

You look into the mirror
You see only yourself,
Why get worried,
How others see you?

Today they'll appreciate you
Today they'll say they like your works
May be after a while,
They stop to even recognise you.

Never get drawn by
Others' opinion of your image.
Have your own self image.
It's your face you see in the mirror!
no matter when!!
Rest all are passers-by,
They will stop telling you
the things they told you
All these while

They'll stop being a part
Of your happiness!
They'll walk out
of your life!

Stop Committing yourself
To others' thought.
Self love, Self Care
Is all you need.
~ PraJna DreameR

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