Monday, August 17, 2015

Strings of Life.

  After a long time I took her out of her case. She felt ignored all these days.
I tried playing her, she had lost her tuning. I set the tune right, on each string, turning the knobs in and out slowly, she broke a string,
I was already feeling low for all uncertain things in life that I gave up my feeling of playing her once today.
But she was fascinating to me, she was everything once, even though I never played a complete song, she knew I loved her. That's when things got personified.
We fall in love with non living things, we tell them our secret wishes and stories, we make them feel alive, nah!! We hallucinate things to be alive... Talk in terms of HE and SHE instead of IT & THAT...
Well, I did fix that broken B string again, I played Beethoven 's -  Für Elise, a small bit slower version... Rendering every note... Slowly... The first ever song I played on my guitar, the tune that haunts me... For unknown reasons...
Peace of mind conquered for an hour!
#ThankYouGod #DreameRsDiary #GodOfSmallThings

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