Thursday, November 12, 2015

Power of Speech-3

It's never too late to Recover.
A simple conversation with ourselves and we will find what went wrong.
It's never too late to Apologize either, my friend! We never become small by saying "I am sorry." or by doing things to make others forget hurt feelings caused by us.
Its never too late to Forgive.
We only gain the bondings we shared with that relation by forgiving. We let them be a part of our joy and life, by forgiving.
Most of all, you won't be brooding over the loss of that relationship cause you'll never lose a person you loved by letting things back to normal. And it's damn easy to forgive and forget, than to remember and regret!
So far in my life I have recovered from my failures, I have apologized for my mistakes and I have forgiven the people I love.
And the best part is I have all my people with me, and I have no Regrets.
~ PraJna DreameR ��


One night sky.
Emotions were held so tight
Not a tear drop fell onto the ground
It was the heart that was bleeding
By the knives thrown by known strangers.
Struggling was not the right description
Yet guilt wasn't near either.
Betrayal of known people
People so close and dear.
A loner soul, all over again
Shut her eyes to the tears that trembled
Wiping down her face.
Face that once was bright with grace
Is now a damp flower in a vase.
~ PraJna DreameR

Power of Speech -2

Don't let people judge you!
Don't let your feelings be belittled.
Learn to value your feelings first.
It's true you live in a society where you need one another for bonding but not at the cost of losing yourself.
Happiness doubles when shared, True, but '... others happiness is our happiness. ' is a lie,
When your feelings aren't valued,
When your presence isn't appreciated,
When you're treated as a dead entity,
When you're Taken For Granted,
Learn To Respect Your Self, Stop caring more than you're suppose to and gain courage to Walk Away!

Hiding what you feel and what you're undergoing because of someone's faults is an Emotional Suicide! Stop Committing it.
Walk Away!
Walk towards your self!
Value your self.
Just learn to walk away!

#inspireSomeone #powerofspeech #iamWriting #DreameRsDiary #LifeOfALoner


Several hurdles,
Painful words,
Bee stings, endless quarrels.
Dodge one, the other comes.
Broken pieces,
couldn't be put back in shape.
Opposite Ends never met.
Lies that what this eyes sees,
Lies that what this heart feels.
Lies that everything that exists,
At present.
Tarnished character.
Torn pages of diaries.
Hurtful memories.
No matter what changes were made,
Compromises were so single sided.
Expectations, that never met.
Help that never arrived.
Soul that still survived.
Life of a loner.
~ PraJna DreameR

Kill Them With Success, Bury Them With Smile!

When you have set your sail to the roaring wind,
You should not waste time thinking about the haphazard way it is moving you in, not about the way the wind is pushing you off the sail, not about the hustling leaves,  sand and dust that's getting into your eyes.

But you should process your thoughts towards finding a way to reach your destination amidst the odds.

People will pull you down when you fail, stone you for every inch you fall. They'll speak. They'll never listen to your excuses.

This is when you should dust your self off and raise to your original glory. Like a Phoenix a fire bird from ashes, rise, higher and higher. Shut the talking mouths with your success. Make your voice lower,  but make your comeback sound higher.
What are you thinking about?
Go ahead!
Kill Them With Success,
Bury Them With Smile!
~ @kanasugaarthi �� (instagram / twitter)

Power of Speech-1

A friend of mine had said to me, never do something to get appreciated.
He was so true. I failed to understand all these while.
Some days are bright
Some days are dull.
Some days you get what you want
The other days it's just the opposite.

You look into the mirror
You see only yourself,
Why get worried,
How others see you?

Today they'll appreciate you
Today they'll say they like your works
May be after a while,
They stop to even recognise you.

Never get drawn by
Others' opinion of your image.
Have your own self image.
It's your face you see in the mirror!
no matter when!!
Rest all are passers-by,
They will stop telling you
the things they told you
All these while

They'll stop being a part
Of your happiness!
They'll walk out
of your life!

Stop Committing yourself
To others' thought.
Self love, Self Care
Is all you need.
~ PraJna DreameR


Everything reminds me of you.
Promises and smiles.
Jokes and trolls.
Portraits and secrets.
Movies and songs.
Paintings and photographs.
Food and tea.
Books and quotes.
Cellphones and texts.

Anger and scoldings.
Rantings and headaches.
Tears and lose.
Quarrels and lost.
Minutes and seconds.

Your name and your voice.

Every damn thing reminds me of you...
What am I to you?
A known Stranger.
Picture : Bengaluru Evening, Karnataka. India.


Drop that's so pure!
Makes me wonder,
Where am I, far or near?
To the enlightenment
This life has to throw
Upon me.

I wonder if it knows,
How much it makes me think
Of life, you and me.
Of my wishes
and the path
I am walking.

Strange yet true,
I am wierd, I am cool.
I am a piece of sin
But I am a blessing tooo..
What are you inside?
You the same inside out?

Drop that's so pure
Makes me wonder
Ponder on things
Of past, present and future in unison.
It's a different world inside.
~ PraJna DreameR ��
#NikonP600 #Bengaluru #GodOfSmallThings #DreameRsDiary

The Journey!

We never know where our life is being taken over to, never in a realistic manner, a runner might slip in his last minute winning feat, a singer might choke all of a sudden, they had no control over their destiny, they did their part of hardwork to succeed. When we lose something we feel belittled, we feel cheated and Coward, not that it's bad, but I just want to tell you, that's normal! It's okay to fall. It's really Okay to fail! World is full of opportunities!!! Never lose heart. We all share a journey in this ocean called life, we pass by a few rocks, stones, petals, leaves and flowers. Rocks prove us strong, while flowers show us we are softer inside. Never be afraid to ask help, never feel you're alone, we are all in the same journey, help and get helped. That's how things work out. A few come to teach us lessons while a few come to learn lessons. We share a journey, remember? Through this post I want to tell all my fellow insta friends that you're not alone, feel free to ask help, when you need it the most!!!
You're not weak when you ask...

~ PraJna DreameR

. Stay AWESOME! Stay Blessed!

Pic : Shivana Samudra, Karnataka, INDIA.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Colors of Worship

In prayers, we all unite,
In the God's name we divide.
We all are the same,
We believe in an unseen power.
We all are the same,
We chant things which are all unique.
We all are the same,
We see the same Sun, Moon and the Sky!
We all are the same,
We see no colors in our dreams
We all are the same,
We walk with a heart within,
And a mighty faith in God!
We all are, nothing but the same.
Colors of faith that divides.
Colors of worship that divides! ~ PraJna DreameR
This is an old temple in Karnataka State of Southern India, there's an Idol inside, it seemed like not being worshiped everyday, stone carved building still stands tall. There is a small "GuDi" in the "PraangaNa" though.
This is the back side premises of "Garbha Gudi". Usually photography is not advised inside a temple, because of the cosmic power they possess. But in the era of man made things and electric bulbs landing directly on to the idol... I see no point in prohibiting photography.
But of course, I have seen and heard of temples of powerful goddesses, where they use only oil or ghee Lanterns to illuminate the as to retain the cosmic power the Idol possess....which is then transfered to the aarthi the preiest does, and that's why we take the aarthi (divine fire) symbolic of energy transfer. A sight of  inexplicable Joy & Positive Vibes.

Strings of Life.

  After a long time I took her out of her case. She felt ignored all these days.
I tried playing her, she had lost her tuning. I set the tune right, on each string, turning the knobs in and out slowly, she broke a string,
I was already feeling low for all uncertain things in life that I gave up my feeling of playing her once today.
But she was fascinating to me, she was everything once, even though I never played a complete song, she knew I loved her. That's when things got personified.
We fall in love with non living things, we tell them our secret wishes and stories, we make them feel alive, nah!! We hallucinate things to be alive... Talk in terms of HE and SHE instead of IT & THAT...
Well, I did fix that broken B string again, I played Beethoven 's -  Für Elise, a small bit slower version... Rendering every note... Slowly... The first ever song I played on my guitar, the tune that haunts me... For unknown reasons...
Peace of mind conquered for an hour!
#ThankYouGod #DreameRsDiary #GodOfSmallThings

It's Okay!

I write for myself.
I write for I want to write.
I write so that I feel better.
Today, I felt the need to understand that it's okay if others don't like what we do so passionately.
It's okay if none console us when we're depressed.
It's okay if none like us the way we are.
It's okay to cry and brood over the problems.
It's okay if people mock you.
It's okay to be a loner by choice.
It's okay to be a loser.
It's okay to dislike the society.
It's okay to ignore social gatherings.
It's okay to get ignored.
It's okay to be a burden to everybody.
It's okay to suffer the illness.
It's okay if not wanting to do what everybody else do.
It's okay, absolutely Okay, to be abnormal.
It's okay, as far as nothing is okay.

Nothing is Permanent

Once upon a time, not so long ago, a Dark cloud was consoling a White pluffy cloud on a mountain top.

"Sometimes rather most of the times in life, I feel like crying, I feel helpless, I am not as adorable as you are, I am not what people might like, people blame me if I rain, people curse me if I don't, people don't give a damn as far as they're not bothered, they worry only when it's troubling them.
I being a dark cloud have many things to brood upon, but I am here for a reason, Good or Bad, I have to form clouds and rain when it's time! I am created for this reason."
White young Cloud ☁ which was listening carefully, was depressed in life, wiped away the tears, and started accepting the things the experienced Dark cloud was saying.
Further more.. The Dark cloud continued...
"Ups and Downs, Appreciation and Depreciation are all part of life.
Suffer when you're ill,
Cherish when you succeed.
Life is once, make it Purposeful..."
By then the wind blew hard, another Dark cloud came dashing this one, two clouds melted to rain, the dark cloud ended it's purpose of life.
Pic taken somewhere on Bengaluru- Mysuru Road, Made me write this story.
Disclaimer : The characters and the situations in this story are all imaginary and purely a fantasy.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Chainless thoughts.

There is a reason and a purpose behind everything that happen in this world.
Very deep and complicated is it?
I see a lot more things getting complicated day by day. We the so called human race have started getting isolated from the reality, Virtual spaces are our way out for socializing! We speak to strangers, we praise strangers, we almost wipe their tears at times. So far that, we wish to be with the same known strangers for the rest our lives. We are forgetting there are more real things &  people in this world. We seems to have been obsessed with, "I, me & mine"-things most often. Showoff has become a standard of living. Telling the world about everything one's been doing has become a freedom of expression.
In the mean time, with all the buzzzzz about virtual world,  we are forgetting that for a few here in this earth, reality is the only virtual thing. While we are cribbing about 3G data speed, there are kids who are not able to fetch a 3 square meal, starve to death eventually. While we see posh people buying iPhone for their nursery kids, we forget there are kids who are deprived of education.

This disparity, for me is getting lot more complicated than anything I can think of. Life isn't what we think it is all about. There are people for whom life has not been as secure as what I and you have, as taken for granted as what you and I do. Life for someone else is all about fighting, struggling and eyeing on brighter things.

If not able to give something to someone, try not to snatch it away from them, try to help someone get inspired and spread their wings amidst difficulties. Help someone fight their battle, help someone give up negative thoughts, help someone achieve their Dream!
Remember, No dream is ever small. And no dream is ever big if someone isn't laughing at it!
Random thoughts flow. #DreameRsDiary #inspireSomeone

Friday, June 12, 2015

Warning: Deep!!

Somewhere deep,
Inside me, I fall again and again,
For the lies this heart tells,
For the dreams these eye show.

Somewhere yet again,
I fail!
To realise whats true
And whats false

This wave
Of fall and raise,
Pushes me ahead
Time and again.

Peoms? I just dont know what to call these random lines I usually write, there were times when I spammed my twitter TL with these stupid senseless lines. After instagram happened to me, I have stopped writing much there... People do remember me there! That surprises me.

Who are true, who are false? What is real and what is not? We all have a parralell life running!
One is virtual
And the other is real? Is that the way things have to be??

Sunday, May 03, 2015

My three Little Sweet Friends!

Chetana,  Chetan &  Meghana.
My three Little Sweet Friends!
I want to tell you all a story, story of how these three cute kids befriended me!
It was one sunny afternoon a couple of weeks ago, when I was on a break from books and out with my Camera for a session of birding.
These kids saw me with my cam and were fascinated with it for sure! Eldest of all Meghana called me and said, "Akka akka, namdu photo thegiri!! ☺" ( Akka = elder sister, click our photo as well...).
I was more than happy to do so and  this was such a sweet request none can deny! Isn't it?
Well, Meghana stopped her younger brother Chethan and Younger Sister Chethana to pose for me with her cycle!. .
I asked them to show all their teeth and only then I'll click their pic ��. I showed them their beautiful Pic on my camera display. They felt delighted.
The rest is all in the pic!!! .
Wait!!! This doesn't end the story here!!
After the photo session My appa called them and gave them a few papaya fruits which we grow in our small house garden.
And guess what?
They came back to my home after sometime with their toys and called me out, "Akka akka, aataDaaNa barthira?" �� (Akka = elder Sister, will you play with us?) I was over joyed with their cuteness... But my books were waiting and I couldn't play with them.
They pass by my home everyday, and greet me, "hi akka" with a cute innocent smile everytime they see me sitting outside in the sit out. I feel happy and blessed.
Today morning Meghana and Chethana Waved their hands from a far distance and said, " Hi, akka!" ☺

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Moon

They say Moon has scars,
Damages and craters.
All these days I believed
Someone else's Proof.
But yesterday
I saw it for my self.

She buried her face
In the deep ocean of sorrow!
I smirked often
For all the silly hardwork
I did, for my own betterment.

Now that I realise,
Hardships which I call them
Aren't tough anymore!
Life is But a dwelling joy!
Swimming in self built pond
Called self pity &  sorrow!

I wake up
From my mistakes.
And promised myself that
I shall make up
For all my mistakes!
And spread joy instead
Spread happiness for ever. .

The Moon from the yesterday's night sky.  25 Feb 2015.  #India #karnataka #Bengaluru ☺#NikonP600
#NikonIndia #Nikon #moon #nightSky

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